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/ AOL File Library: 4,401 to 4,500 / aol-file-protocol-4400-4401-to-4500.zip / AOLDLs / PDA-Newton Development / NW_ Newton Dev. (Unlock Code) / TimeLock.sea / TimeLock / TimeLock-code < prev    next >
Text File  |  1983-05-01  |  3KB  |  73 lines

  1. 0020  LET appSpec={goto:'endprogram,title:"TimeLock"}
  2. 0030  window app,appSpec,"APP"
  3. 0040  show app
  4. 0050  widgetdef Layout_0:={contactInfo:{widgetType:"text",order:0,B
  5.       viewClass:81,viewBounds:{left:28,top:165,right:312,bottom:2B
  6.       58},viewFlags:47616,viewFormat:143697,viewJustify:0,viewLinB
  7.       eSpacing:16,text:"Replace this with your contact info.",vieB
  8.       wFont:{family:'handwriting,face:0,size:12},tabs:[20,40,60,8B
  9.       0,120,140,160,180]},Widget_1:{widgetType:"textButton",orderB
  10.       :1,Goto:'target,viewBounds:{top:349,left:19,bottom:384,righB
  11.       t:114},viewFlags:514,text:"Register",viewFont:{family:'espyB
  12.       ,face:1,size:12},viewFormat:67109456}}
  13. 0060  window wlist,Layout_0
  14. 0065  show wlist
  15. 0110  REM program template
  16. 0115  open flex1,"First1",time
  17. 0116  if fstat=1 then
  18. 0120    create flex1,"First1",time
  19. 0140    LET fkey:=Numberstr(Time())
  20. 0150    LET frecord1:={}
  21. 0160    LET frecord1.time=fkey
  22. 0170    put flex1,frecord1
  23. 0180    LET zz=Stringtonumber(frecord1.time)
  24. 0190  else
  25. 0200    open flex1,"first1",time
  26. 0210    get flex1,FetchedData,fkey
  27. 0220    if fstat=1 then stop
  28. 0230    LET zz=Stringtonumber(Fetcheddata.time)
  29. 0240  end if
  30. 0250  LET LL:=Floor(zz)
  31. 0260  LET D=43200
  32. 0270  if Floor((Time()-LL))>=D then
  33. 0280    Notify("Demo Program expired.",""  & Layout_0.contactInfo.text)
  34. 0285    goto endprogram //
  35. 0286    goto working //
  36. 0287   target: rem
  37. 0290    hide
  38. 0300    cls
  39. 0305    widgetdef Layout_input:={Widget_0:{widgetType:"title",order:B
  40.       0,viewBounds:{left:56,top:85,right:227,bottom:120},viewJustB
  41.       ify:0,viewFont:{family:'espy,face:1,size:12},viewFlags:1,teB
  42.       xt:"Input access code now!",viewFormat:0},trialcode:{widgetB
  43.       Type:"numberPicker",order:1,viewBounds:{top:156,left:54,botB
  44.       tom:185,right:253},viewFlags:0,minValue:0,maxValue:9999999,B
  45.       value:0,showLeadingZeros:TRUE},Inputbtn:{widgetType:"textBuB
  46.       tton",order:2,gosub:'input,viewBounds:{left:146,top:235,rigB
  47.       ht:233,bottom:268},viewFlags:514,text:"Input",viewFont:{famB
  48.       ily:'espy,face:1,size:12},viewFormat:67240528}}
  49. 0307    window wlasta,Layout_input
  50. 0310    show wlasta
  51. 0315    wait -1
  52. 0320   input: rem
  53. 0325    LET p=0
  54. 0327    LET x=getglobals().userconfiguration.name
  55. 0330    LET B=Strlen(x)
  56. 0340    for i=0 to B-1
  57. 0350      LET p=p+ord(x[i])
  58. 0360    next i
  59. 0370    LET t=p div 3
  60. 0400    if Layout_input.trialcode.value=t then
  61. 0410      Notify("Registered! Thank You!","")
  62. 0415      goto working //
  63. 0420    else
  64. 0430      Notify("Wrong Code","")
  65. 0435      goto endprogram //
  66. 0460    end if
  67. 0465  end if
  68. 0560 working: rem
  69. 0570  wait -1
  70. 9000 endProgram: rem
  71. 9010  hide
  72. 9020  stop
  73. *